Teacher of psychology, author, researcher.



Firth, J. (2024). Why education needs to focus on learning. https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/education/blog/whyeducationneedstofocusonlearning/

Firth, J. (2024). What are lectures for? https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/education/blog/whatarelecturesfor/

Firth, J. (2024, 13 Sept). A cognitive science approach to creativity [Presented paper]. ReTraInEd, Madrid, Spain.

Firth, J. (2024). Experiências como ver um picolé derreter podem ensinar alguma coisa sobre ciências? https://theconversation.com/experiencias-como-ver-um-picole-derreter-podem-ensinar-alguma-coisa-sobre-ciencias-238770

Firth, J. (2024). Licking an ice lolly at school might make a good memory – but this isn’t the secret to learning science. https://theconversation.com/licking-an-ice-lolly-at-school-might-make-a-good-memory-but-this-isnt-the-secret-to-learning-science-237806

Firth, J. (2024). Metacognition and study skills: A guide for teachers. David Fulton Books.

Firth, J. (2024, 27 June). Writing-to-learn for metacognition and transfer among student teachers: A narrative review. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), SIG 12 (Writing) Conference, Paris, France.

Robertson, N., Chen, Y., Surendran, S., Wythe, J., & Firth, J. (2024, 25 June). Autobiographical writing, fan fiction and education [Roundtable]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), SIG 12 (Writing) Conference, Paris, France.

Firth, J. (2024). Metacognitive tools for writing. In Burns, N. (2024), Teaching hacks: Fixing everyday classroom issues with metacognition. SAGE.

Firth, J. (2024). Cramming for an exam isn’t the best way to learn – but if you have to do it, here’s how. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/cramming-for-an-exam-isnt-the-best-way-to-learn-but-if-you-have-to-do-it-heres-how-229761

Firth, J. (2024, 11 May). Getting started with metacognition in your classroom [Presented paper]. researchED Aberdeen. Scotland.

Firth, J. (2024). Six things educators should know about learning. https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/education/blog/sixthingeducatorsshouldknowaboutlearning/

Firth, J. (2023, 20 November). The natural order of things [Presented paper]. Nature of Education Workshop, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

Firth, J., & Riazat, N. (2023). What teachers need to know about memory. Corwin.

Firth, J. (2023, 13 October). Metacognitive illusions [Keynote talk]. St Andrews Teaching and Learning Festival, St Andrews RC Secondary, Glasgow, Scotland.

Badger, C., & Firth, J. (2023). A metacognitive approach to developing creativity. Impact, 19. https://my.chartered.college/impact/issue-19-effective-pedagogy-and-applying-research-in-practice/

Firth, J. (2023). Interleaving. In Jones, K. (Ed.), The researchED guide to cognitive science (pp. 55–68). John Catt.

Sosu, E., Firth, J., Chen., Y, & Liu, J. (2023). Columba 1400 Head Teachers’ Leadership Academy: Interim evaluation report.

Firth, J. (2023, June 3). Supporting students to become self-regulated learners. researchED Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.

Firth, J. (2023, May 6). Tackling misconceptions about how to study. researchED Scandinavia. Haninge, Sweden.

Firth, J. (2023). Expert teachers and deep student understanding. https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/education/blog/expertteachersanddeepstudentunderstanding/

Firth, J. (2022, November 19). Metacognitive illusions: When learners misunderstand learning. researchED Aberdeen. Scotland.

Gauntlett, L., White, K., & Firth, J. (2022). Psychology A-Level: Teacher's Resource. Cambridge University Press.

Firth, J. (Sept 2022). Ethics in psychology teaching: Debates, discussions and difficulties. In McGinty, J., & Gakic, D. (Eds.), Learning to teach psychology in the secondary school (pp. 55–68). Routledge.

Duchenski-Jassal, M., & Firth, J. (Sept 2022). Future directions and professional identity. In McGinty, J., & Gakic, D. (Eds.), Learning to teach psychology in the secondary school (pp. 159–172). Routledge.

Firth, J., & Mašková, I. (2022, 24 June). Factors affecting teacher burnout: Implications for teacher education and policy. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), SIG 11 (Teaching and Teacher Education) Conference, Oldenburg, Germany.

Firth, J. (2022, 28 April). The potential uses of interleaving across the curriculum. [Visiting seminar]. Centre for Educational Neuroscience, London.

Riazat, N., & Firth, J. (2022). Memories that stick. In Chartered College of Teaching (Ed.), The early career framework handbook, 2nd. Ed. (pp. 51–60). Sage.

Firth, J. (2022). Transferable skills and knowledge: Farewell to Bo Peep? https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofeducation/blog/transferableskillsandknowledgefarewelltobopeep/

Firth, J. (2022). Understanding the human mind – a foundation for self-regulated study. Impact, 14, 6–9.

Firth, J. (2021, 23 Nov). Teacher research engagement: Purpose, theoretical foundations, and effective practice [Conference paper]. SERA Theory & Philosophy Network.

Firth, J. (2021, 18 Sept). Spacing and interleaving [Conference paper]. ScotEd 2021 (online).

Firth, J. (2021, 9 Sept). Interleaving as a learning strategy: Facts or skills? [Conference paper]. BPS Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference (online). https://www.bps.org.uk/how-we-work/psychology-education-section-2017

Moore, I., Beck, A., Firth, J., Jones, L., Salehjee, S., & Wall, K. (2021, 8 September). Developing a Practitioner Enquiry Based Research Hub: A case study of a partnership approach to professional learning [Conference paper]. EERA Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (online). https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2021-geneva/

Beck, A., Wall, K., Firth, J., Tonner, P., Arnott, L. (2021, 7 September). Developing a practitioner enquiry approach to school-university research partnership [Conference paper]. EERA Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (online). https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2021-geneva

Mowat, J., Beck, A., Firth, J., & Henderson, T. (2021, September 7). Supporting our most Vulnerable Students and Families during and in the Aftermath of Lockdown: Challenges and Opportunities for Aspiring Headteachers. EERA Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (online). https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2021-geneva/

Mowat, J., Beck, A., Firth, J., & Henderson, T. (2021, September 6). Supporting the school community during and in the aftermath of lockdown: Challenges and opportunities for aspiring headteachers on a headship programme. EERA Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (online). https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2021-geneva/

Firth, J. (2021). The theory behind evidence-based practice: Going beyond the surface level. SERA Researching Education Bulletin, Theory & Philosophy Network Special Issue, no 11.

Firth, J. (2021). Teachers’ beliefs about memory. Studia Psychologica, 63(2), 204–220. https://doi.org/10.31577/sp.2021.02.821

Firth, J., & Howard, J. (2021, 19 May). A review of Scottish school websites' support for study skills [Conference paper]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Online Scientific Meeting.

Firth, J., Rivers, I., & Boyle, J. (2021). A systematic review of interleaving as a concept learning strategy. Review of Education, 9(2), 642-684. https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3266

Firth, J. (2021). Misled by short-term performance in lessons: Applying the science of memory in the classroom. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/misled-by-short-term-performance-in-lessons

Firth, J. (2021). Creative neuroscience: The left-brain/right-brain myth. https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofeducation/blog/creativeneuroscience/

Firth, J. (2021, 10 March). Interleaving, desirable difficulties, and teacher metacognition. [Visiting seminar]. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.

Firth, J. (2021). Boosting learning by changing the order and timing of classroom tasks: Implications for professional practice. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(1), 32–46. http://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2020.1829965

Firth, J. (2021, 2 February). Why is research important for teachers? [Visiting seminar]. Dundee University, Dundee.

Firth, J. (2020). Understanding memory, and making it work for your students. https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofeducation/blog/understandingmemoryandmakingitworkforyourstudents/

Firth, J. (2020). Am I a visual learner? The learning styles myth. https://www.strath.ac.uk/humanities/schoolofeducation/blog/amiavisuallearner/

Wall, K., Firth, J., Beck, A., & Arnott, L. (2020, 27 November). Developing a practitioner enquiry approach to school-university research partnership [Seminar session]. IPDA International Virtual Conference.

Firth, J. (2020). Supporting beginning teachers to link learning, memory and inquiry. In Salehjee (Ed.), Mentoring science teachers in the secondary school: A practical guide (pp. 201–213). Routledge.

Firth, J. (2020). [Review of the book Letters to a new student: Tips to study smarter from a psychologist by G. W. Wood]. British Journal of Psychology, 111(4), 853–854. http://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12477

Firth, J., & Zike, J. (2020). Tackling learning myths among trainee primary teachers: A case study. Impact, 10, 20–22.

Riazat, N., & Firth, J. (2020). Memories that stick. In Chartered College of Teaching (Ed.), The early career framework handbook (pp. 45–54). Sage.

Firth, J. (2020). Teacher classroom reflections – tackling flawed metacognition and memory. Impact, 8, 78–80.

Firth, J. (2020, 1 February). Pupil study habits, myths, and metacognition [Conference paper]. researchED Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland.

Firth, J. (2019). Creative thinking: Practical strategies to boost ideas, productivity and flow. Arboretum Books.

Firth, J. (2019). [Review of the book Learning for sustainability in times of accelerating change, by A. E. J. Wals & P. B. Corcoran]. Scottish Education Review, 51(1), 82–83.

Firth, J. (2019). The teacher's guide to research: Engaging with, applying and conducting research in the classroom. Routledge.

Firth, J. (2019). Higher Psychology: Practise and pass. Leckie & Leckie.

Firth, J. (2019). National 5 & CfE Higher Psychology student book (2nd Ed.). Leckie & Leckie.

Firth, J., Rivers, I., & Boyle, J. (2019). A systematic review of interleaving as a concept learning strategy: A study protocol. Social Science Protocols, July 2019, 1–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.7565/ssp.2019.2650

Firth, J. (2019, 17 May). Metacognition: how effectively can students and educators reflect on experience?  [Invited seminar]. School of Psychology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Firth, J. (2019, 16 March). Mythbusting [Keynote]. Accelerate Early Career Teachers Programme – Chartered College of Teaching/Department of Education, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Firth, J. (2019). Spacing and interleaving in the psychology classroom. ATP Today Magazine, February, 10.

Firth, J. (2018). Teachers’ beliefs about memory: What are the implications for in-service teacher education? Psychology of Education Review, 42(2), 15–22.

Firth, J. (2018). Is it all just memorisation? The Profession: The Annual Publication for Early Career Teachers, 1, 31–35.

Firth, J. (2018, 22 September). Working memory: What do teachers need to know? [Conference paper]. researchEd Scotland, Dollar, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom.

Firth, J. (2018, 8 September). How do we learn new concepts? Examples, differences and interleaving [Conference paper]. researchEd Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom.

Firth, J. (2018). How to learn: Effective study and revision methods for any course. Arboretum Books.

Firth, J. (2018). The application of spacing and interleaving approaches in the classroomImpact, 2, 23–26.

Smith, M. & Firth, J. (2018). Psychology in the classroom: A teacher's guide to what works. Routledge.

Firth, J. (2018, 17 March). The use of spacing and interleaving in classroom learning [Conference paper]. Third Space event for Chartered College of Teaching, National STEM Learning Centre, York, United Kingdom.

Firth, J. (2018, 15 February). Memory, transfer and creativity: Applying the cognitive psychology of education in the face of global threats [Postgraduate seminar]. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Firth, J. (2017, 22 November). How can interleaving be applied in the classroom? [Conference paper]. SERA Annual Conference, Ayr, Scotland, United Kingdom. https://www.sera.ac.uk/about/

Firth, J. (2017, 27 October). Teachers’ beliefs about memory: what are the implications for in-service teacher education?. BPS Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. https://www.bps.org.uk/how-we-work/psychology-education-section-2017

Firth, J. (2017, 23 November). Applying the spacing effect to classroom tasks [Academic poster]. SERA Annual Conference, Dundee, United Kingdom. https://www.sera.ac.uk/about/

Firth, J. (2017). Experts in learning. In L. Rycroft-Smith & J. L. Dutaut (Eds.) Flip the system UK: A teachers’ manifesto (pp. 20–28). Routledge.

Firth, J., Smith, M., Harvard, B., & Boxer, A. (2017). Assessment as learning: The role of retrieval practice in the classroom. Impact, 1, 18–22.

Firth, J. (2017). Spacing out instruction for more effective learning: Revisiting material after days and weeks helps us remember betterNature Partner Journals (NPJ) Science of Learning Community (guest post).

Firth, J. & Smith, M. (2017). AQA GCSE Psychology All-in-One Revision and Practice. Collins.

Firth, J. (2016). Research engagement for the school teacher and its role in the education community. Education in the North, 23(2), 161–166.

Firth, J. (2016). Spacing in teaching practice. Learning Scientists Blog (guest post). 

Firth, J. (2016, 23 November). Supporting the development of teacher research: An exploration of Hutcheson's Centre for Research. SERA Annual Conference, Dundee, Scotland.

Firth, J., & Puolakka, H. (2016, 23 November). Collaboration for the psychology teacher' Workshop. EFPTA Biannual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

Firth, J. (2016, 20 November). How can education in the social sciences prepare young people for major societal changes?'. SERA Annual Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Firth, J., & Healy, M. (2016, 3 October). Putting our psychological knowledge of memory and learning to use. Keynote. Annual Conference of the Association for the Teaching of Psychology, Scotland branch. Perth, Scotland.

Firth, J., & Tonner, P. (2015, 30 August). Establishing a teacher research centre. ResearchEd Scotland. Glasgow, Scotland. 

Firth, J. (2015). Student blogs for homework…and connected learning. ATP Today Magazine. (download)

Firth, J. (2015). National 5 & CfE Higher Psychology student book. Leckie & Leckie.

Firth, J. (2011). Higher Psychology: Success Guide. Leckie & Leckie.

Firth, J. (2007, 3 February). Recent research for NQ Psychology. Annual Conference of the Association for the Teaching of Psychology, Scotland branch, Glasgow, Scotland.

Staddon, G., Duffy, A., Cherrie, R., Firth, J. and McDermott, J. (2005). Psychology for Higher. Unity Publications.


Firth, J. (2020, September 3–8). Beliefs about evidence-based learning strategies among student teachers and in-service teachers. [Conference paper]. SIG 8 Meets SIG 16 in DGUV Congress, Dresden, Germany.  https://sig8meetssig16-dresden.de/ (Conference cancelled).

Firth, J. (2020, 16 May). Nudging students towards better self-regulated learning [Conference paper]. researchED Derry, Derry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. (Conference cancelled).